Ergonomic Equipment Lending Library



Donate Ergo Equipment that you want to promote, or no longer need! E-mail me.


This is a non-judgemental lending library... we don't recommend or believe in or endorse or otherwise like or dislike these products. They are being offered just as your corner library offers books on any subject without review. The purpose is to encourage nearly free testing of products to let RSI sufferers make the judgment. Use these products at your own risk. Be carelful. If it hurts, discontinue use. Follow your doctor's advice.

How It Works

This library is provided as a friendly service to the RSI community and to help promote our book. The purpose of this library is to share ergo equipment, but we're not interested in giving away expensive stuff, either so please only borrow if you intend to return it. Some items, though, are actually free to keep.

  1. (We've eliminated our previous requirement to subscribe to Sorehand.)

  2. You agree to pay for postage inbound and outbound, but generally we will pay for the postage to you unless circumstances prohibit doing so.

  3. You agree to forward the item to the next borrower if necessary.

  4. Check to see if the item is "on-hand," below.

  5. Send me an e-mail with your

    • Name

    • Address

    • Phone Number

    • E-mail address

    • The item you want to borrow

    • In the subject line, please put the item and a distinctive indication of your locale (example: Armaid, New Mexico)

  6. We will contact you to confirm the information and discuss the shipping costs if any.

Privacy Policy

We do not perform ANY direct marketing to individuals. So, your identity and contact information will be 100% confidential. It will not be willingly forwarded, sold, given, or provided in any fashion to anyone.


Fulfill the instructions above and send me an e-mail:








Flextend Exerciser, Large
1-Glove Large, needs to be snug.
1-Manual / Exercise Sheet
1-CD with software

Users are strongly encouraged to talk with Flextend clinicians at to ensure they are using the system correctly.

Manufacturer's website:

Lending History:
Out to Michigan, 2004-Jun-5 Returned Aug 1, 2004

No, but reserve now 

Flextend Exerciser, Small.
1-Glove Small, needs to be snug.
1-Manual / Exercise Sheet
1-CD with software

Users are strongly encouraged to talk with Flextend clinicians at to ensure they are using the system correctly.

Manufacturer's website:

Lending History:
Out to Kansas, 2004-Feb-14 Returned April 15, 2004
Out to United Kingdom 2004-Jun-01


Sorry, unavailable pending further notice


Self-Massage device to use on arms. Widely regarded by RSI sufferers for helping relieve arm tension and "wiry, ropy" feeling to the forearms. See full review. (We receive no money from Armaid.) Sells for approx. $100.00

Lending History:
Out to California 2002-Jul-15--- Returned 2003-Feb-06
Out to Canada 2003-Apr --- Returned 2003-July
Out to Missouri 2003-Aug-8 --- Returned 2003-Dec-20
Out to LK, Cambridge, MA, 2004-Jan-0x--- Returned Jun
Out to Sunnyvale, CA 2004-Jun-05




Possibly lost in mail... discontinued pending further notice.

Bonnie Pruden Intro Video

1991 105-minute video showing the Bonnie Pruden myotherapy and trigger point technique.
Sells for $25.00

Description at:

Lending History:
Promised to San Diego, California 2004-Apr (???)
Out to New Mexico 2004-Jun-01


Our Book

That's right. If you can't afford to buy it, we have a loaner copy.




Hand-Held Body Massager

Their web page
Yours to keep.
I don't need it any more.

Fold down handle and compact size lets you take it anywhere, to use anytime. Because it matters how you feel. $9.99




18" Soft Gel Wrist Rest

Given to a sufferer in California. Other pads that say "gel" are hard like Jello gelatin, not soft like a waterbed like this one.

One site that lists it Might be discontinued... if it is, could be quite a loss to the ergo world. I see the smaller one that includes a mouse pad, but this one is on very few web sites. Search for "gl-1 gel" in Yahoo or others.




Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue

Given to a sufferer in Colorado.



Given to sufferer in Poland.



Given to sufferer in Poland.


This is a non-judgemental lending library... we don't recommend or believe in or endorse or otherwise like or dislike these products. They are being offered just as your corner library offers books on any subject without review. The purpose is to encourage nearly free testing of products to let RSI sufferers make the judgment. Use these products at your own risk. Be carelful. If it hurts, discontinue use. Follow your doctor's advice.